Classical Guitar Music
in practical scholarly editions
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Our editions are exclusively produced in Germany by Verlag Michael Mameeken, trading as Guitar Heritage, they are distributed to the trade by Grahl & Nicklas of Frankfurt.

Michael Macmeeken, the founder of Chanterelle Verlag in 1979, is a guitar graduate of the Real Conservatorio Superior de Madrid and a pupil of Regino Sáinz de la Maza. He has had over 40 year’s experience of teaching the guitar, lecturing, and publishing guitar music to the highest standards.

Michael Macmeeken’s former company Chanterelle Verlag of Heidelberg, with a catalogue of around 300 editions, became integrated into the Schott Music concern, Mainz in 2016 as part of their take-over of Zimmermann Verlage, who had acquired Chanterelle in 2013.

Guitar Heritage was founded in 2019 by Michael Macmeeken.
