Arguably Sor and Llobet must be considered as two composer-guitarists who have contributed greatly to the development of the classical guitar and left us a wealth of repertoire. 

In two new collected critical editions, which are already establishing themselves as standard reference editions, we proudly present two new publications of the collected guitar works of this Binomio Catalán. 

Our new collected critical editions of the Collected Guitar Works of Fernando Sor edited by Erik Stenstadvold, and Miguel Llobet’s Collected Guitar Works edited by Stefano Grondona, were completed and published in December 2021 (

Demand has been high and a 2nd edition of the Sor edition was issued in September 2022. 

Both these editions contain previously unpublished material and are produced to the highest standards with documented critical commentaries and historical notes. 

The Sor edition is a ‘classical’ critical edition with detailed historical notes and a strict clear critical apparatus. The commentaries cover many instances previously unreported, a few titles in volume 10 may be unknown to some players.

The Llobet edition is something really special. A richly illustrated new critical edition with 60 previously unpublished titles and almost 800 illustrations, music incipits, autograph manuscripts and important relevant rare documents and photos and manuscripts, many appearing for the first time in print. The accompanying texts are copious, highly informative and include detailed documented critical commentaries. The edition is informative and follows Llobet’s meteoric career – see our illustrated catalogue for just  some of its examples of rare iconography (see ‘Catalogues’ in this website).